The visual platform for your property and facility management optimization

Fastighetssystemet för dig som vill ha all strategisk information samlad på ett ställe – modeller, avtal, teknisk förvaltning, fakturering och dokument.

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Easy & Intuitive

The system´s graphical interface is user freindly and easy to use for everyone in the organization, even for infrequent users.

Simplified Communication

The property registry is always updated in the drawings, simplifying communication between different departments and stakeholders in your organization.

Easy & Intuitive

The system´s graphical interface is user freindly and easy to use for everyone in the organization, even for infrequent users.

Simplified Communication

The property registry is always updated in the drawings, simplifying communication between different departments and stakeholders in your organization.

Vad kostar outnyttjade kontorsplatser?

Undersökningar visar att svenska kontor i genomsnitt nyttjas till 45%. Vet du vad det innebär i pengar för er? Med vår kalkyl nedan tar du enkelt reda på det.

We like to meet you

Would you like to learn more about how our property and facility management platform works? Or, are you curious to know more about specific features in any of our modules? We are happy to share deeper knowledge in our webinars, which you can enjoy digitally, in peace and quiet, yet with the opportunity to ask questions.

You can also meet us at trade fairs around Sweden, or why not join our annual customer event where our aim is to inspire and discuss important topics in our field.

Explore our current activities. Click the link, and sign up today! Or contact us directly if you have any questions.


Meet us

Time to swap your property management system?

We are now inviting you to a webinar for those who work in the municipal sector…

News and updates

Together with our customers, we create the digital solutions of the future. Together with our customers, we create the digital solutions of the future. Filter the customer cases by sector or area of ​​competence.

a desk with a screen showing complicated drawings of ventilation and heating

What role does the component register play in your property management?

Keeping track of all technical components, building parts and fixtures requires a well-organized and easily accessible component register….

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Webinar Dags att byta fastighetssystem

Time to swap your property management system?

We are now inviting you to a webinar for those who work in the municipal sector and especially…

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Optimise your property management with Pythagoras Component Registry

The Pythagoras Component Registry is a digital list of all components in a property portfolio, such as doors,…

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