fastighetsdrift och lokalvård

The benefits of cleaning management in a facilities management system

Imagine taking your cleaning and property management to the next level with just one simple step! That’s exactly what you can do by integrating your cleaning system with your property management system. It saves time, increases transparency, simplifies administrative processes and promotes sustainable choices. It’s a big step towards creating more efficient and sustainable property and cleaning management in the long run.

Have the cleaner report cases

By utilising your cleaning staff’s knowledge of the premises, you can quickly fix and catch any problems that arise in the building. Imagine receiving a fault report from a cleaner that the lift is out of order. Imagine further that tickets are something that can be created in real time, on the spot and on the go for example in a mobile application! By using the same platform for both cleaning and property management, you can create and manage maintenance tickets in an instant and the cleaners can focus on doing their cleaning job.

With an integrated solution, you can instantly assign resources, track the status of the case and communicate with the parties involved. That means less time spent chasing information and more time spent actually solving the problem and keeping your property in top condition!

A visual property system supports utilisation and streamlines facility management

Using visual aids, such as property drawings, you can keep the property register up to date and easy to understand for those who need to find their way around the building. For example, if you need to mark important areas for cleaning or maintenance, you can easily do so and keep track of changes over time. To maintain cleaning efficiency, the key is that the right area is defined so that it maps into the cleaning schedule of how long it takes to clean, for example, a corridor or a toilet. In the building management system, you can map the utilisation of the room to the cleaning needs. If a room is not used one day, then no cleaning is needed either. This gives you an overview of the layout of the property and makes it easier to plan all types of maintenance work and cleaning assignments.

From several to one (1) invoice

Imagine avoiding complicated administrative processes when it comes to invoicing for both cleaning and rent. By using the same system for invoicing, you can easily create and send out invoices to tenants for both parts. You have full control over which area belongs to which customer and thus, the job is done when you invoice. Not only does this provide better transparency, it also makes it easier to manage payments and budgeting.

Collaborating on sustainable material choices

Finally, let’s talk about sustainable material choices. You have set environmental goals to achieve in your organisation, and by working together, cleaning can participate in material choices for e.g. refurbishments where the choice of new materials can influence the way cleaning is carried out and help reduce climate impact. When you understand your spaces and what is needed to create a pleasant working environment, you have the chance to choose environmentally friendly options and reduce unnecessary use of resources. This is not only good for your property and cleaning staff, but also for our planet!

A major challenge for many organisations is that departments work in silos. This often leads to inefficient processes. By coordinating your property register with your cleaning system, you create the best experience for the users of your property. Read about how Kungsbacka municipality works in an integrated way – the cleaning department together with the property department.

Want to know more about how cleaning can collaborate with facilities management?

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